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Championship BLR 2017 Final women

Last update 21.01.2017 13:42:46, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Starting rank list of players

1IMZiaziulkina Nastassia13505211BLR2386
6FMStetsko Lanita13505300BLR2253
3Kusenkova Natallia13506501BLR2156
9Prakapuk Vera13507052BLR2121
5Kaliadzich Maryia13500015BLR2103
8WFMRevo Tatiana13506480BLR2086
10Khrapko Marharyta13510657BLR2078
2Ilyuchyk Yana13508407BLR1966
7Stashis Anna13507567BLR1916
4Dolbieva Ksenia13510096BLR1803