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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for POL

23GMPiorun Kacper2651POL1110101½½½6,529Masters
150WIMKantane Anna2259POL0½½½1010½½4,5166Masters

Results of the last round for POL

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
101858GMStefanova AntoanetaBUL25126 ½ - ½6 GMPiorun KacperPOL265123
1083191Burrows Martin PENG21244 ½ - ½4 WIMKantane AnnaPOL2259150

Player details for POL

GM Piorun Kacper 2651 POL Rp:2619 Pts. 6,5
1144IMPovah Nigel E2298ENG4,5w 10,11
290IMWemmers Xander2424NED5,5s 10,21
364IMBellahcene Bilel2493FRA6w 10,29
42GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2796FRA7,5s 0-0,31
576IMPaehtz Elisabeth2468GER4,5w 10,26
68GMYu Yangyi2738CHN8s 0-0,38
782IMCheng Bobby2452AUS5,5w 10,24
894IMCarlstedt Jonathan2413GER5,5s ½-0,30
968IMKrysa Leandro2491ARG6,5w ½-0,21
1058GMStefanova Antoaneta2512BUL6,5s ½-0,19
WIM Kantane Anna 2259 POL Rp:2149 Pts. 4,5
128GMSutovsky Emil2628ISR7,5w 0-0,10
2221Gillis Onieva Celia1966ESP4s ½-0,35
3217Amgalanbaatar Ravdanlkhumbuu1988MGL5w ½-0,33
4196Agbabishvili Lali2095CAN3,5s ½-0,22
5198Korning Peter2080SWE4w 10,27
674GMRiff Jean-Noel2468FRA6,5s 0-0,23
7223Skutta Bernd Dr.1957GER3,5w 10,15
892IMKaravade Eesha2418IND5,5s 0-0,29
9190Whatley Stephen A J2127GIB4,5w ½-0,18
10191Burrows Martin P2124ENG4,5s ½-0,18