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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for MGL

100IMBatchimeg Tuvshintugs2390MGL110½10½0105108Masters
111IMNomin-Erdene Davaademberel2378MGL10½01½01105141Masters
166Galmandakh Badrakh2215MGL½01½011½½½5,594Masters
217Amgalanbaatar Ravdanlkhumbuu1988MGL½0½½1½½0½15123Masters

Results of the last round for MGL

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
103839GMAntipov Mikhail Al.RUS25805 1 - 05 IMBatchimeg TuvshintugsMGL2390100
104983IMKhademalsharieh SarasadatIRI24525 1 - 05 IMNomin-Erdene DavaademberelMGL2378111
1056166Galmandakh BadrakhMGL22155 ½ - ½5 IMDocx StefanBEL240598
1087217Amgalanbaatar RavdanlkhumbuuMGL19884 1 - 04 FMDamia AngeloITA2233161

Player details for MGL

IM Batchimeg Tuvshintugs 2390 MGL Rp:2502 Pts. 5
1228Tranter Stephen1950ENG1,5s 10,08
237GMLalith Babu M R2587IND7w 10,75
31GMCaruana Fabiano2827USA7s 0-0,08
453GMSpraggett Kevin2542CAN6w ½0,20
551GMMuzychuk Mariya2546UKR6s 10,71
647GMMuzychuk Anna2558UKR6,5w 0-0,28
7-not paired- --- ½
819GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2657IND6,5s 0-0,18
9147FMBergstrom Rolf2268SWE4w 10,33
1039GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2580RUS6s 0-0,25
IM Nomin-Erdene Davaademberel 2378 MGL Rp:2184 Pts. 5
1241Winter Kevin1818ENG2,5w 10,08
246GMDonchenko Alexander2559GER6s 0-0,26
3186Herzwurm Robert2143GER4,5w ½-0,29
4223Skutta Bernd Dr.1957GER3,5s 0-0,92
5175Aroven Mikael2172SWE3,5w 10,24
6164Pinho Paulo2220POR5s ½-0,21
7166Galmandakh Badrakh2215MGL5,5w 0-0,72
8176Mueller-Dehn Christian Dr.2170GER4s 10,23
9187Finsterwalder Sebastian2130GER5w 10,19
1083IMKhademalsharieh Sarasadat2452IRI6s 0-0,40
Galmandakh Badrakh 2215 MGL Rp:2397 Pts. 5,5
143GMKaidanov Gregory S2572USA4s ½0,39
251GMMuzychuk Mariya2546UKR6w 0-0,12
3218Burke Mitchell R1975ENG3,5s 10,20
491GMSundararajan Kidambi2420IND6w ½0,26
5105FMLadron De Guevara Pinto Paolo2386ESP5,5s 0-0,27
6208Berrocal Ruiz Valentin2042ESP4w 10,27
7111IMNomin-Erdene Davaademberel2378MGL5s 10,72
885GMZhukova Natalia2447UKR5,5w ½0,29
987GMWomacka Mathias2435GER5s ½0,28
1098IMDocx Stefan2405BEL5,5w ½0,25
Amgalanbaatar Ravdanlkhumbuu 1988 MGL Rp:2322 Pts. 5
189IMSarkar Justin2428USA4,5s ½0,42
2103WGMTsolakidou Stavroula2387GRE6w 0-0,08
3150WIMKantane Anna2259POL4,5s ½0,33
4165IMGluckman David2215RSA4w ½0,29
5167Verneuil Pascal2215FRA4s 10,79
6130FMGulamali Kazim2341USA5w ½0,39
7128IMSodoma Jan2344CZE5,5s ½0,39
849GMMastrovasilis Athanasios2551GRE5,5w 0-0,08
9155FMBannink Bernard2244NED5s ½0,31
10161FMDamia Angelo2233ITA4w 10,80