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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for HUN

36GMGledura Benjamin2589HUN1½100111106,537Masters
84IMKantor Gergely2448HUN10101½011½656Masters
112IMSzabo Bence2378HUN100½½11½½05130Masters
113WGMGara Ticia2378HUN101001101½5,5104Masters
114FMKozak Adam2376HUN1½½½½½100½5112Masters
122IMLazarne Vajda Szidonia2364HUN½½1½0½01105135Masters
126WGMPapp Petra2352HUN011½1½00015113Masters
239Lochte Szilvia1829HUN00010011½14,5175Masters

Results of the last round for HUN

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
10736GMGledura BenjaminHUN2589 0 - 1 GMTopalov VeselinBUL27397
103184IMKantor GergelyHUN2448 ½ - ½ GMDel Rio De Angelis Salvador GESP252755
1042122IMLazarne Vajda SzidoniaHUN23645 0 - 15 GMNarciso Dublan MarcESP250859
1043112IMSzabo BenceHUN23785 0 - 15 IMAryan ChopraIND250361
105292IMKaravade EeshaIND24185 ½ - ½5 WGMGara TiciaHUN2378113
1063114FMKozak AdamHUN2376 ½ - ½ WGMPourkashiyan AtousaIRI2303143
1073126WGMPapp PetraHUN23524 1 - 04 Verneuil PascalFRA2215167
10101239Lochte SzilviaHUN1829 1 - 03 Veltkamp GerbenNED2166178

Player details for HUN

GM Gledura Benjamin 2589 HUN Rp:2565 Pts. 6,5
1159Weisbuch Udi2240ISR4,5s 10,11
299FMPerez Garcia Alejandro2398ESP5w ½-0,25
3103WGMTsolakidou Stavroula2387GRE6s 10,24
43GMNakamura Hikaru2785USA8w 0-0,25
587GMWomacka Mathias2435GER5s 0-0,71
6178Veltkamp Gerben2166NED3w 10,08
789IMSarkar Justin2428USA4,5s 10,29
873IMSalomon Johan2470NOR5,5w 10,34
960GMMikhalevski Victor2504ISR6,5s 10,38
107GMTopalov Veselin2739BUL7,5w 0-0,30
IM Kantor Gergely 2448 HUN Rp:2503 Pts. 6
1212Suez-Panama Gilles2010FRA4s 10,08
217GMShankland Samuel L2674USA6,5w 0-0,21
3163WIMHeinemann Josefine2227GER5s 10,22
47GMTopalov Veselin2739BUL7,5w 0-0,15
5149Gluhovsky Mark2263RUS4,5s 10,26
629GMOparin Grigoriy2625RUS6w ½0,23
735GMIstratescu Andrei2593FRA6,5s 0-0,31
8143WGMPourkashiyan Atousa2303IRI5w 10,31
9127IMVuilleumier Alexandre2347SUI4,5s 10,36
1055GMDel Rio De Angelis Salvador G2527ESP6w ½0,11
IM Szabo Bence 2378 HUN Rp:2270 Pts. 5
1242Wilson Matthew R1791ENG3s 10,08
249GMMastrovasilis Athanasios2551GRE5,5w 0-0,27
3180Gonzalez Gonzalez Alfonso2162ESP4s 0-0,78
4187Finsterwalder Sebastian2130GER5w ½-0,31
5184Chan Kim Yew2152MAS4,5s ½-0,29
6171FMDerakhshani Borna2195IRI4,5w 10,26
7178Veltkamp Gerben2166NED3s 10,23
853GMSpraggett Kevin2542CAN6w ½0,22
959GMNarciso Dublan Marc2508ESP6s ½0,18
1061IMAryan Chopra2503IND6w 0-0,33
WGM Gara Ticia 2378 HUN Rp:2302 Pts. 5,5
1243Murray J Stephen1789SCO2,5w 10,08
248GMHuzman Alexander2557ISR6s 0-0,27
3188FMWeeramantry Sunil2129SRI5w 10,19
452GMLibiszewski Fabien2545FRA6s 0-0,28
5172Tscharotschkin Michael2190GER4w 0-0,74
6176Mueller-Dehn Christian Dr.2170GER4s 10,23
7168Villar Reymundo Juan Antonio2212PER5,5w 10,28
856GMGunina Valentina2524RUS6,5s 0-0,30
9191Burrows Martin P2124ENG4,5w 10,19
1092IMKaravade Eesha2418IND5,5s ½0,06
FM Kozak Adam 2376 HUN Rp:2418 Pts. 5
1244Christophe-Hayot Romain1784FRA2,5s 10,08
253GMSpraggett Kevin2542CAN6w ½0,22
355GMDel Rio De Angelis Salvador G2527ESP6s ½0,20
457GMLemos Damian2516ARG6w ½0,19
561IMAryan Chopra2503IND6s ½0,17
659GMNarciso Dublan Marc2508ESP6w ½0,18
763IMLiang Awonder2496USA5,5s 10,66
860GMMikhalevski Victor2504ISR6,5w 0-0,33
965GMCuenca Jimenez Jose Fernando2492ESP6,5s 0-0,34
10143WGMPourkashiyan Atousa2303IRI5w ½-0,10
IM Lazarne Vajda Szidonia 2364 HUN Rp:2243 Pts. 5
1-not paired- --- ½
2231WFMGamboa Alvarado Olga Leticia1913CRC3,5s ½-0,42
3203Eagleton Greg T2055ENG4w 10,14
462IMKollars Dmitrij2500GER5,5s ½0,18
568IMKrysa Leandro2491ARG6,5w 0-0,33
6168Villar Reymundo Juan Antonio2212PER5,5s ½-0,20
7187Finsterwalder Sebastian2130GER5w 0-0,79
8178Veltkamp Gerben2166NED3w 10,24
9167Verneuil Pascal2215FRA4s 10,30
1059GMNarciso Dublan Marc2508ESP6w 0-0,31
WGM Papp Petra 2352 HUN Rp:2417 Pts. 5
14GMIvanchuk Vassily2752UKR6,5w 0-0,08
2199CMReuben Stewart2076ENG3s 10,17
3207Carlsten Peter2047SWE4w 10,14
468IMKrysa Leandro2491ARG6,5s ½0,19
574GMRiff Jean-Noel2468FRA6,5w 10,66
648GMHuzman Alexander2557ISR6s ½0,26
746GMDonchenko Alexander2559GER6w 0-0,23
882IMCheng Bobby2452AUS5,5s 0-0,36
949GMMastrovasilis Athanasios2551GRE5,5s 0-0,24
10167Verneuil Pascal2215FRA4w 10,32
Lochte Szilvia 1829 HUN Rp:2001 Pts. 4,5
1109IMGodart Francois2381BEL5,5s 0-0,08
2169FMBaert Andy2210BEL4w 0-0,09
3195Seraoui Mohcen2100ALG4,5s 0-0,17
4255Tveten Per1486NOR1w 10,12
5200Lochte Thomas2070GER5s 0-0,20
6189Bendayan Claros Aaron2128ESP5w 0-0,15
7248Chilton James I1756ENG3,5s 10,40
8224Green Per1956SWE3,5w 10,67
9192Behrendt Clemens2121GER4,5s ½0,35
10178Veltkamp Gerben2166NED3w 10,88