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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for GRE

49GMMastrovasilis Athanasios2551GRE11½0½0011½5,593Masters
103WGMTsolakidou Stavroula2387GRE½1010½1011675Masters

Results of the last round for GRE

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
103941GMBlomqvist ErikSWE25745 0 - 15 WGMTsolakidou StavroulaGRE2387103
1040108FMJessel StephenIRL23825 ½ - ½5 GMMastrovasilis AthanasiosGRE255149

Player details for GRE

GM Mastrovasilis Athanasios 2551 GRE Rp:2408 Pts. 5,5
1172Tscharotschkin Michael2190GER4w 10,10
2112IMSzabo Bence2378HUN5s 10,27
324GMAnton Guijarro David2650ESP8w ½0,14
420GMHowell David W L2655ENG7s 0-0,36
598IMDocx Stefan2405BEL5,5w ½-0,20
6104FMGarriga Cazorla Pere2386ESP5s 0-0,72
7132FMRakesh Kumar Jena2335IND5,5w 0-0,78
8217Amgalanbaatar Ravdanlkhumbuu1988MGL5s 10,08
9126WGMPapp Petra2352HUN5w 10,24
10108FMJessel Stephen2382IRL5,5s ½-0,22
WGM Tsolakidou Stavroula 2387 GRE Rp:2374 Pts. 6
1231WFMGamboa Alvarado Olga Leticia1913CRC3,5w ½-0,42
2217Amgalanbaatar Ravdanlkhumbuu1988MGL5s 10,08
336GMGledura Benjamin2589HUN6,5w 0-0,24
4177FMAlberto Manuel2168ANG4,5s 10,22
562IMKollars Dmitrij2500GER5,5w 0-0,35
6163WIMHeinemann Josefine2227GER5s ½-0,21
7164Pinho Paulo2220POR5w 10,28
829GMOparin Grigoriy2625RUS6s 0-0,20
9165IMGluckman David2215RSA4w 10,27
1041GMBlomqvist Erik2574SWE5s 10,74