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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for GEO

66IMBatsiashvili Nino2492GEO11½010½101658Masters
80IMJavakhishvili Lela2455GEO101½10½½1½657Masters
88GMKhotenashvili Bela2430GEO10101½½101666Masters

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
102980IMJavakhishvili LelaGEO2455 ½ - ½ GMGrigoriants SergeyRUS256445
1045116FMShachar EhudISR23745 0 - 15 IMBatsiashvili NinoGEO249266
1051151FMSanchez Jerez Emilio MiguelESP22575 0 - 15 GMKhotenashvili BelaGEO243088

Player details for GEO

IM Batsiashvili Nino 2492 GEO Rp:2486 Pts. 6
1193Byron Alan M2110ENG3,5s 10,09
2235Newbry Benjamin J1879USA3,5w 10,08
327GMAkobian Varuzhan2633USA7s ½0,19
426GMSethuraman S.P.2637IND7s 0-0,31
5118IMDerakhshani Dorsa2370IRI5w 10,33
621GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2652VEN7w 0-0,29
7-not paired- --- ½
8129Kulkarni Rakesh2344IND5,5s 10,30
922GMHou Yifan2651CHN6w 0-0,29
10116FMShachar Ehud2374ISR5s 10,34
IM Javakhishvili Lela 2455 GEO Rp:2491 Pts. 6
1208Berrocal Ruiz Valentin2042ESP4s 10,08
213GMCheparinov Ivan2689BUL7,5w 0-0,21
3159Weisbuch Udi2240ISR4,5s 10,23
4-not paired- --- ½
5168Villar Reymundo Juan Antonio2212PER5,5w 10,20
618GMFressinet Laurent2660FRA7s 0-0,24
74GMIvanchuk Vassily2752UKR6,5w ½0,35
8162Bujnoch Radek2233CZE5,5s ½-0,28
9141IMSaravanan V.2306IND5,5w 10,30
1045GMGrigoriants Sergey2564RUS6w ½0,15
GM Khotenashvili Bela 2430 GEO Rp:2445 Pts. 6
1216Broekman Willem1997NED4s 10,08
221GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2652VEN7w 0-0,22
3165IMGluckman David2215RSA4s 10,23
425GMGupta Abhijeet2645IND6w 0-0,23
5154WIMPratyusha Bodda2247IND5,5s 10,26
635GMIstratescu Andrei2593FRA6,5w ½0,22
7-not paired- --- ½
8191Burrows Martin P2124ENG4,5s 10,14
948GMHuzman Alexander2557ISR6w 0-0,33
10151FMSanchez Jerez Emilio Miguel2257ESP5s 10,27