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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for AUS

82IMCheng Bobby2452AUS101011010½5,582Masters
145FMLoh Zachary2291AUS01100½10½04180Masters

Results of the last round for AUS

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
104882IMCheng BobbyAUS24525 ½ - ½5 IMHerman Matthew JUSA2383107
1079188FMWeeramantry SunilSRI21294 1 - 04 FMLoh ZacharyAUS2291145

Player details for AUS

IM Cheng Bobby 2452 AUS Rp:2499 Pts. 5,5
1210Hamer Martyn2039ENG4,5s 10,08
215GMZvjaginsev Vadim2679RUS5,5w 0-0,21
3161FMDamia Angelo2233ITA4s 10,22
44GMIvanchuk Vassily2752UKR6,5s 0-0,15
5145FMLoh Zachary2291AUS4w 10,29
619GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2657IND6,5w 10,76
723GMPiorun Kacper2651POL6,5s 0-0,24
8126WGMPapp Petra2352HUN5w 10,36
935GMIstratescu Andrei2593FRA6,5s 0-0,31
10107IMHerman Matthew J2383USA5,5w ½-0,10
FM Loh Zachary 2291 AUS Rp:2221 Pts. 4
124GMAnton Guijarro David2650ESP8w 0-0,10
2215Byrn Carsten2003DEN1,5s 10,16
360GMMikhalevski Victor2504ISR6,5w 10,77
476IMPaehtz Elisabeth2468GER4,5s 0-0,27
582IMCheng Bobby2452AUS5,5s 0-0,29
6184Chan Kim Yew2152MAS4,5w ½-0,19
7202FMKandic Milan2061SRB4,5s 10,21
887GMWomacka Mathias2435GER5w 0-0,31
9198Korning Peter2080SWE4w ½-0,27
10188FMWeeramantry Sunil2129SRI5s 0-0,71