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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Masters

Last update 02.02.2017 18:19:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for ARG

57GMLemos Damian2516ARG1½½½½½1½½½665Masters
68IMKrysa Leandro2491ARG1½½½1011½½6,534Masters

Results of the last round for ARG

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
102168IMKrysa LeandroARG24916 ½ - ½6 GMIstratescu AndreiFRA259335
103391GMSundararajan KidambiIND2420 ½ - ½ GMLemos DamianARG251657

Player details for ARG

GM Lemos Damian 2516 ARG Rp:2457 Pts. 6
1181Bopp Thomas Dr.2157GER4,5w 10,10
2118IMDerakhshani Dorsa2370IRI5s ½-0,20
3120FMThavandiran Shiyam2367CAN5,5w ½-0,20
4114FMKozak Adam2376HUN5s ½-0,19
5106FMMihajlov Sebastian2384NOR5w ½-0,18
6110Henderson De La Fuente Lance2380ESP5,5s ½-0,18
7121GMPaehtz Thomas2365GER5w 10,30
8116FMShachar Ehud2374ISR5s ½-0,19
919GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2657IND6,5w ½0,19
1091GMSundararajan Kidambi2420IND6s ½-0,13
IM Krysa Leandro 2491 ARG Rp:2609 Pts. 6,5
1195Seraoui Mohcen2100ALG4,5s 10,09
21GMCaruana Fabiano2827USA7w ½0,38
37GMTopalov Veselin2739BUL7,5s ½0,31
4126WGMPapp Petra2352HUN5w ½-0,19
5122IMLazarne Vajda Szidonia2364HUN5s 10,33
637GMLalith Babu M R2587IND7w 0-0,37
797IMVega Gutierrez Sabrina2406ESP5s 10,38
8119IMOmar Noaman2369UAE5w 10,33
923GMPiorun Kacper2651POL6,5s ½0,21
1035GMIstratescu Andrei2593FRA6,5w ½0,14