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Drzavno mladinsko prvenstvo - F16

Last update 04.03.2017 21:00:19, Creator/Last Upload: slochess

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Round 2 on 2017/02/26 at 09:00

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.PGN
11CMBrinovec David21991 ½ - ½1 IIMarkosek Maj19286PGN
27IIIJelen Miha19121 ½ - ½1 MKAmon Nejc21692PGN
33MKStevanic David20131 ½ - ½1 IIAcimovic Vasja18728PGN
49IJuvan Jaka18481 ½ - ½1 IMeglic Jaka19654PGN
55IITisaj Domen19491 1 - 01 Kos Jernej021PGN
612IIIKosak Klemen16820 ½ - ½1 IIIBajo Tin180910PGN
716Lazarev Vladislav15140 0 - 10 IIIBajc Aleksander177211PGN
818IIIOcepek Jan12760 ½ - ½0 IIIStraze Matija164213PGN
914Boc Gregor16250 - - +0 IIGabrijan Timotej139417
1020IVLah Zan12690 0 - 10 IIMaric Vild Fabijan154515PGN
1119Butolen Nejc12760 1 bye