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I Torneio Interno FluChess 2017

Last update 10.02.2017 00:14:43, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Carvalho AF

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Starting rank

1Roberto OliveiraBRA2073
2Renato CarvalhoBRA2052
3Alexandre RomanoBRA2033
4Rogério FelixBRA1801
5Arnaldo MesquitaBRA1790
6Esequiel ConceiçãoBRA1681
7Ednilson RosasBRA1620
8Paulo RodriguesBRA1527
9Marcelo XavierBRA1403
10Heitor UsaiBRA1376
11Evanildo LucenaBRA1371
12Aldemir MarquesBRA1364
13Rômulo RobertoBRA1331
14Ricardo GarciaBRA1000