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Campeonato Estadual de Veteranos S65 do Rio de Janeiro de 2016

Last update 11.01.2017 00:18:54, Creator/Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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Starting rank

1Machado Wallace743BRA1927TTC
2Alves Rolim Carlos342BRA1925ALEX
3de Azevedo Marques Ubiratan384BRA1804ADUX
4Leonardo Zoratto Dante7BRA1738AABB
5de Azevedo Marques Ubirai1777BRA1687ADUX
6Tiomno Luiz Sérgio3734BRA1646ALEX
7Rovedo Salomão196BRA1628CXG
8Von Calmbach Guilherme150BRA1624ALEX
9Dias Fernandes Wagner1064BRA1622JTC
10Ribeiro de Carvalho Irahy2242BRA1555CMUN