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SVK BA 3. liga A1 2009/10

Posledná aktualizácia 28.03.2010 21:03:40, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

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Tabuľka podľa poradia (Body)

Por. Družstvo123456789101112 TB1  TB2 
1Sachovy klub Krasnany * 376563054
2SK Modra C * 65525652449
3Tatran Bratislava - Dubravka5 * 45354652352,5
4Slovan Bratislava D24 * 36661949,5
5SK Doprastav Bratislava E133 * 5664351946
6SK Doprastav Bratislava D3553 * 451644,5 Slavia STU Bratislava6322 * 461345,5
8SK Apollo Slovnaft Bratislava3424 * 641240,5
9KS Pezinok B22222 * 01233,5
10KSN Bratislava22448 * 651141
11SK DK Ruzinov3542 * ½733,5
12SK Doprastav Bratislava F233333 * 638,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)