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DAUGAVA CHESS WINTER cup blitz - 2017 (08.01.2017.)

Last update 08.01.2017 14:48:25, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKSharankov Grigory2365RUS 14w1 10b1 11w1 19b1 3w½ 9b1 2w0 4w1 6b17,538492424
2NMIndricans Olgerts2188LAT 24w1 15b1 4w½ 3b½ 19w1 5b1 1b1 6w0 9w1737,548,52303
3FMMustaps Matiss2359LAT 13b½ 8w1 6b1 2w½ 1b½ 7w1 12b1 5w1 4b06,540,5532223
4IMBerzinsh Roland2307LAT 16w½ 14b1 2b½ 12w1 9w0 6b1 10w1 1b0 3w1639512187
5MKMelderis Uldis1922LAT 23b1 19w0 22b1 21w1 11b1 2w0 9w1 3b0 10w1633,544,52141
6MKKrilovs Nikolajs2076LAT 27w1 7b½ 3w0 18b1 15w1 4w0 24b1 2b1 1w05,537,548,52053
7MKMalyshev Roman2235RUS 22b1 6w½ 13b1 11w0 21b1 3b0 15w1 10b0 16w15,533,5442035
8WIMPolyakova Natalia1832RUS 28w1 3b0 10w1 9b0 17w1 15b0 19b1 12w1 13b½5,53341,51915
9MKDunaveckis Deniss2183LAT 29b1 12w1 19b0 8w1 4b1 1w0 5b0 11w1 2b0538,5472073
10MKJazdanovs Aleksandrs1995LAT 25b1 1w0 8b0 20w1 14b1 19w1 4b0 7w1 5b0536472002
11MKRocko Ilja2200LAT 20b1 21w1 1b0 7b1 5w0 12w0 14b1 9b0 15w153546,52011
12MKAlipovs Anatoljs1836LAT 17w1 9b0 28w1 4b0 16w1 11b1 3w0 8b0 20w1534,5431876
13IHorobrijs Daniils1754LAT 3w½ 16b1 7w0 15b0 24w0 17b1 18w1 25b1 8w½532,542,51797
14MKSkonda Nikolajs1829LAT 1b0 4w0 26b1 27w1 10w0 23b1 11w0 21b1 19b1531,542,51949
15INovoksconovs Vladimirs1833LAT 30b1 2w0 20b½ 13w1 6b0 8w1 7b0 24w1 11b04,53441,51830
16IDombrovska Stefanija1731LAT 4b½ 13w0 25b½ 23w1 12b0 26w1 21b1 20w½ 7b04,53140,51749
17ILeonovs Jegors1336LAT 12b0 20w0 29b1 22w1 8b0 13w0 26b½ 28w1 25w14,52733,51533
18IPredkels Pavels1605LAT 19b0 25w½ 23b1 6w0 20b0 30w1 13b0 29w1 24b14,525311596
19MKMetreveli Sergejs2218LAT 18w1 5b1 9w1 1w0 2b0 10b0 8w0 22b1 14w043849,51913
20Dolmantas Martynas1551LTU 11w0 17b1 15w½ 10b0 18w1 24b0 23w1 16b½ 12b043240,51666
21MKSinauridze Simons1961LAT 26w1 11b0 27w1 5b0 7w0 22b1 16w0 14w0 28b1431391663
22Dzyuba Sergey1687RUS 7w0 26b1 5w0 17b0 25b1 21w0 29b1 19w0 30b142632,51619
23Mecelis Arturas (j)1356LTU 5w0 24b1 18w0 16b0 29b1 14w0 20b0 30w1 27w142632,51519
24IKuleba Ivan1486BLR 2b0 23w0 30b1 25w½ 13b1 20w1 6w0 15b0 18w03,53138,51574
25IMakarau Yauheni1372BLR 10w0 18b½ 16w½ 24b½ 22w0 28b1 27w1 13w0 17b03,529,536,51473
26Noreika Normantas1367LTU 21b0 22w0 14w0 28b1 30w1 16b0 17w½ 27b0 29b13,523,5291417
27Padolskis Ugnius1381LTU 6b0 30w1 21b0 14b0 28w½ 29w1 25b0 26w1 23b03,523291421
28Sejonas Modestas0LTU 8b0 29w1 12b0 26w0 27b½ 25w0 30b½ 17b0 21w0225311295
29IISkarbauskas Valerijs1400LAT 9w0 28b0 17w0 30b1 23w0 27b0 22w0 18b0 26w012631,51101
30Mickunaite Agne1149LTU 15w0 27b0 24w0 29w0 26b0 18b0 28w½ 23b0 22w00,52530,51013

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)