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IRT Sub 2200 CXSP

Darrera actualització16.01.2017 19:30:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Rànquing inicial

1Bruce Shannon Hill2100835BRA2152
2Dos Reis Leandro Aparecido C2101017BRA1948
3Jenidarchiche Douglas Rodrigo2193310BRA1861
4Aparecido Silva Haroldo2178141BRA1848
5Martinez Marcio Eduardo22700200BRA1747
6Nobre Jailson Altair Barbosa2113279BRA1744
7Silvestre Gilmar Severino2177579BRA1668
8NMDo Valle Cardoso Lucas2163144BRA1659
9Nobre Jose Adalberto Barbosa2113350BRA1655
10Rocha Anderson Rosendo22710094BRA1629
11Maraz Ricardo2186179BRA1622
12Seccafim Caic Dos Santos22718109BRA1597
13Ferreira Caio Tulio Moreira2192985BRA1451
14Freire Leandro Da Costa2192993BRA1282
15Garcia Cesar Rodrigues2188708BRA1125
16Monteiro Paulo de Campos Mello22712097BRA0
17Novaes João Tourinho Peres22718400BRA0