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Kireka Open - Ladies Category

Last update 31.12.2016 13:40:47, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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Starting rank list

1WFMAmoko Ivy Claire10000291UGA1822
2WFMAngolikin Goretti10000429UGA1616
3WFMNamaganda Christine10000445UGA1595
4Ampaire Shakira10002782UGA1415
5Mugide Safinah10005188UGA0
6Nakabo Peninah10004556UGA0
7Nakanyike Maria10004386UGA0
8Nalukwago Joan10005218UGA0
9Namwanje Olga10000879UGA0
10Nannozi Esther Peninah10004645UGA0
11Nasasira Enid Precious10005196UGA0
12Nimaro Agatha10005200UGA0