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Last update 13.12.2016 14:49:29, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Jumba Gloria10800794KEN1624
2WFMShah Riya10800387KEN1589
3WFMDeshpande Sanjana Satish10800964KEN1569
4WCMJoyce Nyaruai10802886KEN1528
5Asiema Isabelle10800565KEN1476
6Stephanie Mumbi10802657KEN1412
7Daphne Mwikali10802274KEN1399
8Thitu Winfred10801790KEN1360
9Agnes Thuo10803114KEN1335
10Karania Saloni10800875KEN1290
11Pranjal Parikh10802622KEN1248
12Dorcus Wanjala10802690KEN1208
13Srungarapu Bhumija10801480KEN1162
14Nikita Parikh10802614KEN1106
15Aurellia ChumoKEN0
16Diana Murugi MugoKEN0
17Elizabeth MusauKEN0
18Emily MungasiaKEN0
19Joyce NjeriKEN0
20Liza Wanjagi KariukiKEN0
21Wambui Roselinda10801111KEN0
22Kimwere AnnetteKEN0