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Festival Nacional Escolar Sub 17 Absoluto Ajedrez Clásico

Last update 11.12.2016 18:13:45, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Salcedo Pablo Esteban44195884419588ANT2197
2CMTorres Cueto Jesus Marcial44152804415280BOL2120
3CMRibero Guillermo Andres44232084423208BOG1895
4Ballesteros Lora Ruber44419074441907COR1697
5Ruiz Jaraba Gabriel44414354441435ATL1644
6Martinez Caamano Jesus David44546694454669BOL1470
7Fiquitiva Gutierrez Brian Alexander44363934436393CUN1411
8Dorado Piamba Juan Jose44645914464591CAU1606
9Archbold Tilano Ralph Alfred44669344466934ATL1580
10Allin Madera Jair Andres0ANT0
11Caballero Castro Carlos Alberto0SAI0
12Herrera Santana Dairo Eliecer0MAG0
13Lever Gallego Camilo0SAI0
14Martinez Campo Michael Andres0MAG0
15Suarez Londodono David0COR0
16Vargas Cristopulus Daniel Felipe0MET0
17Vasquez Figueroa Jhon Wilmar0BOL0
18Vives Henriquez Jose Gabriel0MAG0
19Zabaleta Mora Luis Angel0COR0