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Semifinal do Brasileiro Feminino

Last update 04.12.2016 21:03:14, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1WFMAlboredo Julia2124807BRA2114
2Rothebarth Ana Vitoria De Pau2113961BRA2032
3Medeiros Thauane Ferreira2134470BRA1990
4WIMRibeiro Regina2100681BRA1977
5Heinrichs Vivian2124530BRA1967
6Viaro Baccarin Natalia2119285BRA1946
7Kanzler Karina Daniela Ferrei2113287BRA1868
8Reis Virginia Lagrange M.2134730BRA1818
9WFMBonfim Regina Rodrigues2105667BRA1773
10WCMCoelho Tatiane Cristina2107775BRA1753
11De Macedo Camila Ferreira22702580BRA1714