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8th CSC London Chess Classic FIDE Open

Last update 16.12.2016 22:59:15, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for NED

10GMBok Benjamin2598½1111½½½176FIDE Open
90Boel Marcel221910101½0½1581FIDE Open
119Van Der Elburg Freddie21351001100104141FIDE Open

Results of the last round for NED

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMHector Jonny24886 0 - 16 GMBok Benjamin2598
Van Der Elburg Freddie21354 0 - 14 FMCordes Hans-Joerg Dr2259
Boel Marcel22194 1 - 04 Suder Ryszard2123

Player details for NED

GM Bok Benjamin 2598 NED Rp:2580 Pts. 7
1129Hebbes Tim21133s ½
2214Giakoustidis Spiros-Avgerinos18003,5w 1
375Ronka Erik22625,5s 1
437IMPraggnanandhaa R24525,5w 1
525GMKarthikeyan Murali25307s 1
617GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr25666,5w ½
723GMSchroeder Jan-Christian25416s ½
829GMHebden Mark L24926,5w ½
931GMHector Jonny24886s 1
Boel Marcel 2219 NED Rp:2215 Pts. 5
1217Islam Mohammed17883w 1
228GMFodor Tamas Jr24946s 0
3166Iyengar Ilya20083,5w 1
46GMGupta Abhijeet26347s 0
5152Stanisz Patryk20645w 1
6197Burbidge Duncan R19184,5s ½
742GMCherniaev Alexander24396w 0
8145FMWaddington Mike P20784s ½
9126Suder Ryszard21234w 1
Van Der Elburg Freddie 2135 NED Rp:1966 Pts. 4
1247Sentissi Yassine02w 1
250IMHouska Jovanka23975,5s 0
348IMRaghunandan Kaumandur Srihari24235,5w 0
4192Shepherd Katherine M19353,5s 1
5222Rogacewicz Mikolaj17653w 1
656IMSiva Mahadevan23606s 0
7189O'molloy Eamonn19424w 0
8171Varney Zoe20003,5s 1
976FMCordes Hans-Joerg Dr22595w 0