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8th CSC London Chess Classic FIDE Open

Last update 16.12.2016 22:59:15, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for ISR

4GMSmirin Ilya2669111½½101173FIDE Open
105Ilfeld Etan21811½010½101590FIDE Open
231Dror Levi1698000½1010½3215FIDE Open

Results of the last round for ISR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBlomqvist Erik25676 0 - 16 GMSmirin Ilya2669
Mladek Richard20244 0 - 14 Ilfeld Etan2181
Dror Levi1698 ½ - ½ Cohen Ronnie1903

Player details for ISR

GM Smirin Ilya 2669 ISR Rp:2688 Pts. 7
1123Peters Stephen G21283,5s 1
262IMMoen Andreas23275,5w 1
329GMHebden Mark L24926,5s 1
423GMSchroeder Jan-Christian25416w ½
524GMEhlvest Jaan25326s ½
619GMShabalov Alexander25635,5w 1
717GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr25666,5s 0
827IMBellahcene Bilel24966w 1
916GMBlomqvist Erik25676s 1
Ilfeld Etan 2181 ISR Rp:2176 Pts. 5
1235Balaji Aaravamudhan16342,5s 1
2-not paired--- ½
340GMArkell Keith C24475,5w 0
4171Varney Zoe20003,5s 1
545GMFlear Glenn C24286w 0
6-not paired--- ½
7177Pollack Oscar19854s 1
855FMBatchelor Peter J23656w 0
9164Mladek Richard20244s 1
Dror Levi 1698 ISR Rp:1831 Pts. 3
1101Venkataramanaraju Haribalu22015s 0
2167Lochte Thomas20054,5w 0
3201Levene Joseph18952s 0
4208Alderson John Ka18393,5w ½
5223Cotter Len17582w 1
6143Korning Peter20814,5s 0
7198Garcia Serrano Jose M.19132,5w 1
8166Iyengar Ilya20083,5s 0
9200Cohen Ronnie19033w ½