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8th CSC London Chess Classic FIDE Open

Last update 16.12.2016 22:59:15, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for ARM

7GMMelkumyan Hrant263311½½1110½6,510FIDE Open
8GMHovhannisyan Robert2630111½011½½6,511FIDE Open
68FMMirzoyan David22991011½01½0575FIDE Open

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMMelkumyan Hrant26336 ½ - ½6 GMHandke Florian2515
GMHebden Mark L24926 ½ - ½6 GMHovhannisyan Robert2630
FMMirzoyan David22995 0 - 15 GMCherniaev Alexander2439

Player details for ARM

GM Melkumyan Hrant 2633 ARM Rp:2596 Pts. 6,5
1126Suder Ryszard21234w 1
265FMFranklin Samuel Ga23105,5s 1
332IMKarthikeyan P.24746w ½
438IMBartholomew John24485,5s ½
548IMRaghunandan Kaumandur Srihari24235,5w 1
636IMElsness Frode24526s 1
728GMFodor Tamas Jr24946w 1
86GMGupta Abhijeet26347s 0
926GMHandke Florian25156,5w ½
GM Hovhannisyan Robert 2630 ARM Rp:2608 Pts. 6,5
1127Gollain Marc21224s 1
268FMMirzoyan David22995w 1
333IMBellaiche Anthony24726s 1
425GMKarthikeyan Murali25307w ½
523GMSchroeder Jan-Christian25416s 0
631GMHector Jonny24886w 1
735IMZhou Yang-Fan24705,5s 1
816GMBlomqvist Erik25676w ½
929GMHebden Mark L24926,5s ½
FM Mirzoyan David 2299 ARM Rp:2327 Pts. 5
1193Wilks Simon19354,5w 1
28GMHovhannisyan Robert26306,5s 0
3145FMWaddington Mike P20784w 1
4116FMZoltek Tadeusz21404,5s 1
538IMBartholomew John24485,5w ½
634GMDeepan Chakkravarthy J.24716,5s 0
7181Pein Jonathan19714w 1
840GMArkell Keith C24475,5s ½
942GMCherniaev Alexander24396w 0