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8th CSC London Chess Classic Super Rapidplay

Last update 21.12.2016 14:45:37, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for USA

12GMLenderman Alex260311½½1½11017,517Super Rapidplay
17GMEhlvest Jaan25761111½½1010731Super Rapidplay
21GMShabalov Alexander25421111110011810Super Rapidplay
232Calderon Paul182810100½10014,5254Super Rapidplay

Results of the last round for USA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBlomqvist Erik25097 1 - 07 GMEhlvest Jaan2576
GMCherniaev Alexander24917 0 - 17 GMShabalov Alexander2542
GMLenderman Alex2603 1 - 0 FMTate Alan2379
Jackson Julius1547 0 - 1 Calderon Paul1828

Player details for USA

GM Lenderman Alex 2603 USA Rp:2406 Pts. 7,5
1426Thatte Nishchal12183s 1
2138Tambini Jasper20606w 1
375GMKarthikeyan Murali22926,5s ½
473FMHaria Ravi23056w ½
588CMDunn Andrew C22287s 1
659GMSchroeder Jan-Christian23426,5w ½
765WGMGomes Mary Ann23296,5s 1
849IMRendle Thomas E24077,5w 1
919GMMoussard Jules25718s 0
1055FMTate Alan23796,5w 1
GM Ehlvest Jaan 2576 USA Rp:2507 Pts. 7
1237Howell Susan C18234,5w 1
2142Mircov Nicola-Alexandru20486,5s 1
380FMDybowski Jerzy22605,5w 1
486Stephan Axel22337s 1
53GMBacrot Etienne27008s ½
631GMZinchenko Yaroslav24937,5w ½
753GMArkell Keith C23867s 1
85GMHowell David Wl26718w 0
938GMFlear Glenn C24576,5w 1
1028GMBlomqvist Erik25098s 0
GM Shabalov Alexander 2542 USA Rp:2630 Pts. 8
1243Rubeck Jonathan18186w 1
2146Jameson David20405,5s 1
384CMColeman David J22405,5w 1
4102IMBasman Michael J21986s 1
58GMSmirin Ilya26577,5w 1
62GMMcshane Luke J27097,5w 1
73GMBacrot Etienne27008s 0
84GMFressinet Laurent26768s 0
956IMMilliet Sophie23687w 1
1032GMCherniaev Alexander24917s 1
Calderon Paul 1828 USA Rp:1712 Pts. 4,5
1472Zhang Man00- 1K
2102IMBasman Michael J21986s 0
3468Vicksho M S03w 1
4110FMThompson Ian D21685,5s 0
594Prill Daniel22167w 0
6-not paired--- ½
7344Tyurkin Yury15523,5s 1
8131Asenov Pavel20825,5w 0
9320Corrigan James16305s 0
10348Jackson Julius15473,5s 1