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8th CSC London Chess Classic Super Rapidplay

Last update 21.12.2016 14:45:37, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for SWE

28GMBlomqvist Erik250911111½½011812Super Rapidplay
36GMHector Jonny2464111011½10½737Super Rapidplay

Results of the last round for SWE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBlomqvist Erik25097 1 - 07 GMEhlvest Jaan2576
GMHector Jonny2464 ½ - ½ IMRoberson Peter T2340

Player details for SWE

GM Blomqvist Erik 2509 SWE Rp:2605 Pts. 8
1250Anbukumar Hajane18035,5s 1
2153Haarup Peter20205w 1
3103FMEames Robert S21962s 1
4139Abrahams Daniel20566w 1
511GMJones Gawain Cb26318s 1
67GMIstratescu Andrei26578w ½
75GMHowell David Wl26718s ½
89GMSafarli Eltaj26538,5w 0
953GMArkell Keith C23867s 1
1017GMEhlvest Jaan25767w 1
GM Hector Jonny 2464 SWE Rp:2299 Pts. 7
1258Cole James17885,5s 1
2165Casaschi Paolo19695,5w 1
3113Batkovskyte Dominyka21566s 1
45GMHowell David Wl26718w 0
5101FMStorey Charles H21996,5s 1
6117WIMCaoili Arianne21376w 1
7119Graham David B21235,5s ½
8357IMPraggnanandhaa R15166,5w 1
913GMCornette Matthieu25978s 0
1060IMRoberson Peter T23407w ½