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8th CSC London Chess Classic Super Rapidplay

Last update 21.12.2016 14:45:37, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for RUS

32GMCherniaev Alexander24911110101110736Super Rapidplay
33GMGunina Valentina2491111½111½1191Super Rapidplay

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMGunina Valentina24918 1 - 0 GMMcshane Luke J2709
GMCherniaev Alexander24917 0 - 17 GMShabalov Alexander2542

Player details for RUS

GM Cherniaev Alexander 2491 RUS Rp:2373 Pts. 7
1254Todorow Emil17924s 1
2157FMGedajlovic Max20036,5w 1
3105Guthrie David W21835,5s 1
43GMBacrot Etienne27008w 0
598FMBritton Richard L22055,5s 1
6100FMBatchelor Peter J22017w 0
7116Lam Paul Gm21476,5s 1
883FMCordes Hans-Joerg Dr22476w 1
992FMMcphillips Joseph22197s 1
1021GMShabalov Alexander25428w 0
GM Gunina Valentina 2491 RUS Rp:2831 Pts. 9
1255Shepherd Katherine M17905w 1
2158WFMNunn Petra20024,5s 1
396FMWadsworth Matthew J22086,5w 1
44GMFressinet Laurent26768s ½
518GMNunn John Dm25737,5w 1
68GMSmirin Ilya26577,5s 1
76GMIturrizaga Eduardo26667,5w 1
83GMBacrot Etienne27008w ½
95GMHowell David Wl26718s 1
102GMMcshane Luke J27097,5w 1