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بطولة النفس الطويل

Posledná aktualizácia 29.11.2016 05:49:27, Creator/Last Upload: Palestine Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1Ahmad aljubehPLE0
2Bahaa maswadehPLE0
3Bashar alatrashPLE0
4Esam geathPLE0
5Mahmoud alhadadPLE0
6Mohammed qawasmiPLE0
7Naji sederPLE0
8Mohammed sederPLE0
9Shadi qawasmiPLE0
10Wael jobehPLE0
11Hatem hashlamonPLE0
12Amjad wazwasPLE0
13Baher naser aldenPLE0
14kamal SyoriPLE0
15Moath HashlamonPLE0
16Sohaib TamimiPLE0
17Abo SobhiPLE0
18Abd alqader sharabatiPLE0