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1st Heliopolis International Open

Darrera actualització12.09.2009 10:36:07, Creador/Darrera càrrega: EGYPTIAN CHESS FEDERATION

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Rànquing inicial

1Sadek SamehEGY2353
2Amin AshrafEGY2346
3IMTahan SabriEGY2329
4IMRahman YehyaEGY2298
5Fahmy OsamaEGY2233
6Saber IbrahimEGY2233
7Elbasuny FahmyEGY2231
8Eldardery AlaaEGY2215
9Abdel Samee MohamedEGY2214
10Sobh AmrouEGY2190
11Abdel Rahman AllaEGY2178
12Mansour SalahEGY2159
13Ibrahim MohamedEGY2122
14WGMMona KhaledEGY2090
15Labib HazemEGY1929
16Hosny GamalEGY0
17Shafik AshrafEGY0
18Shokry Abdel RahmanEGY0