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34 mezhdunaroden detski turnir Morsko konche 8 g. 21-27.08.2009

Last update 27.08.2009 11:55:54, Creator/Last Upload: Bulgarian Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Antonov SvetlinBUL0Gebedzhe
2Atanasov BorisBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah
3Atanasov KrumBUL0Varna
4Binev DanielBUL0Kaisa
5Daniel AdrianBUL0Varna
6Dichev KaloyanBUL0Varna
7Ganchev HristoBUL0Varna
8Georgiev PlamenBUL0Burgas
9Grigorov IvanBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah
10Hristov IvanBUL0Georgi Daskalov
11Ivanov NikolayBUL0Kaisa
12Kamenov TsvetomirBUL0Rilski sportist
13Markov AleksandarBUL0Burgas
14Mirandzhiev AleksandarBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah
15Neykov RadostinBUL0Pristis
16Nikolov IvanBUL0CSKA
17Petkov MateyBUL0CSKA
18Raykov StefanBUL0CSKA
19Shentov Petar-DelyanBUL0CSKA
20Stefanov EmiliyanBUL0Varna
21Terziev IlchoBUL0Varna
22Todorov SpasiyanBUL0Ivis
23Tsvetanov DavidBUL0Pleven XXI
24Vasilev GeorgiBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah