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34 mezhdunaroden detski turnir Morsko konche 14 g. 21-27.08.2009

Last update 27.08.2009 11:20:30, Creator/Last Upload: Bulgarian Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Garnizov IvanBUL1939Pleven XXI
2Yankov KristiyanBUL1871Pleven XXI
3Georgiev EmilBUL1831Badev
4Stefanov BorisBUL1770Spartak Pleven XXI
5Ivanov IliyanBUL1738Burgas
6Krumov ZahariBUL1705Spartak Pleven XXI
7Lazarov VasilBUL1644Spartak Pleven XXI
8Andonov GeorgiBUL1591Varna
9Dimitrov RadostinBUL0Kazanlak
10Dobrev NikolaBUL0Kazanlak
11Ganev NikolaBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah
12Mihalev DaniilBUL0Gebedzhe
13Petrov NedelchoBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah
14Stankov RafailBUL0Georgi Daskalov
15Taskov IvayloBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah
16Zhivkov SimeonBUL0Stolichen tsentar po shah