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26th World Senior Chess Championship 2016 Open 65+

Last update 30.11.2016 19:08:16, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 1

Player overview for UKR

24IMReprintsev Alexander2321UKR11111½½½1108,521039,80Open 50+
41IMSmolin Sergey2224UKR110½½1½½½005,57010-7,00Open 50+
58IMDovzhenko Viktor2171UKR10010½½1½105,58410-20,60Open 50+
7IMBogdanov Valentin2385UKR½111011½½½½7,52410-4,10Open 65+
49IMSobolevsky Leonid2207UKR1½1010000003,523710-6,80Open 65+
54FMGergel Vladimir P2201UKR1½101010½1068020-20,20Open 65+

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMReprintsev Alexander2321 0 - 1 GMBagaturov Giorgi2410
IMRakhimov Zinnour K.2398 1 - 0 IMDovzhenko Viktor2171
IMSmolin Sergey2224 0 - 1 Gollain Marc2097
IMBogdanov Valentin23857 ½ - ½7 IMShevelev Arkady2283
Anguera Maestro Jaime20816 1 - 06 FMGergel Vladimir P2201
IMSobolevsky Leonid2207 0 not paired  

Player details for UKR

IM Reprintsev Alexander 2321 UKR Rp:2592 Pts. 8,5
1105Cesar Geovanny1942DOM4s 1100,90
271Levrand Roland2097SUI6,5w 1102,20
35GMHaba Petr2472CZE7,5s 1107,00
41GMSturua Zurab2556GEO8,5w 1107,90
512GMAkesson Ralf2416SWE7w 1106,30
62GMMatamoros Franco Carlos S.2495ECU7,5s ½102,30
714IMVlassov Nikolai2415RUS8s ½101,30
87GMArkell Keith C2450ENG6,5w ½101,70
93GMIvanov Alexander2478USA8s 1107,10
106GMMohr Georg2461SLO8w 1106,90
1115GMBagaturov Giorgi2410GEO9,5w 010-3,80
IM Smolin Sergey 2224 UKR Rp:2167 Pts. 5,5
1122Arias Castanedo Jacinto1857ESP6w 1101,00
2106Galvan Sarmiento Jose Luis1933ESP6s 1101,50
314IMVlassov Nikolai2415RUS8w 010-2,50
480Mohapl Petr2066CZE6s ½10-2,10
572FMHrbolka Ladislav2094CZE5,5w ½10-1,80
678AGMYasin Hur2075TUR6,5s 1103,00
722FMBuchal Stephan2339GER7w ½101,60
820IMPastircak Milan2362CZE6,5s ½101,90
928FMBergstrom Rolf2296SWE7w ½101,00
1026IMBarle Janez2303SLO7s 010-3,90
1170Gollain Marc2097FRA6,5w 010-6,70
IM Dovzhenko Viktor 2171 UKR Rp:2016 Pts. 5,5
1139Laloucek Miroslav1771CZE4s 1100,80
29IMBruno Fabio2435ITA6,5w 010-1,80
3115Mazzamuto Nicola1903ITA4s 010-8,30
4109Marsalek Lubos1927CZE4,5w 1102,00
593Miculka Petr1995CZE5s 010-7,30
6106Galvan Sarmiento Jose Luis1933ESP6w ½10-3,00
7111Danek Pavel1917CZE5s ½10-3,10
8119Wilkinson Ian1885JAM5w 1101,60
994Borovicka Bohumil1991CZE5s ½10-2,40
1089Tiedt Gunter Dr.2020GER5w 1103,00
1117IMRakhimov Zinnour K.2398RUS6,5s 010-2,10
IM Bogdanov Valentin 2385 UKR Rp:2367 Pts. 7,5
1139Blaushtain Boris1991ISR5,5w ½10-4,20
2263Strehlau Helmut0GER3,5s 1
388FMPacl Vaclav2104CZE6w 1101,60
442Wahlbom Magnus2215SWE6,5s 1102,80
526FMStebbings Anthony J2293ENG6,5w 010-6,30
644Tapper Larry2212USA7s 1102,70
734FMGruzmann Boris2268GER6w 1103,40
817GMPushkov Nikolai2325RUS7,5s ½10-0,80
920IMMishuchkov Nikolai M.2319RUS7,5w ½10-0,90
1024IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.2309BRA7,5s ½10-1,00
1128IMShevelev Arkady2283ISR7,5w ½10-1,40
IM Sobolevsky Leonid 2207 UKR Rp:2131 Pts. 3,5
1181Ilyes Peter1892NOR5,5w 1101,40
2124Goga Frantisek2014SVK5,5s ½10-2,50
3120Racek Jiri2018CZE5,5w 1102,50
44GMOkhotnik Vladimir2434FRA8s 010-2,10
5122Gromark Per-Olof2015SWE5,5w 1102,50
62GMSveshnikov Evgeny2489RUS8,5s 010-1,60
7101Andersson Kaj2057SWE6w 010-7,00
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0
FM Gergel Vladimir P 2201 UKR Rp:2127 Pts. 6
1186Slechta Karel1872CZE5,5s 1202,40
2127CMWheeler Robert2007JAM6w ½20-5,00
3129Hund Gerhard2005GER6s 1205,00
421IMNeckar Lubomir2319CZE7,5w 020-6,80
5125Doubleday William G.2013CAN5s 1205,20
629IMShvedchikov Anatoli I.2281RUS7w 020-7,80
7108IMGamboa Gonzalez Anibal2040VEN6s 1205,80
833Frick Christoph2275GER7,5w 020-8,00
9111FMAltshul Raffael2037RUS5,5s ½20-4,40
1095CMAshby Anthony C2074ENG6w 1206,60
1193Anguera Maestro Jaime2081ESP7s 020-13,20