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26th World Senior Chess Championship 2016 Open 65+

Last update 30.11.2016 19:08:16, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 1

Player overview for IRI

11IMHarandi Khosro2354IRI111½101½10½7,515106,70Open 65+
242FMMohammadian Mohammad1683IRI0010½101½0042254059,60Open 65+

Results of the last round for IRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMHarandi Khosro23547 ½ - ½7 IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.2309
CMDalling Peter18174 1 - 04 FMMohammadian Mohammad1683

Player details for IRI

IM Harandi Khosro 2354 IRI Rp:2390 Pts. 7,5
1143Trojan Lubos1987CZE5w 1101,00
276Lang Ferdinand2133GER5s 1102,20
348FMZilbert Oleg2208RUS7w 1103,00
426FMStebbings Anthony J2293ENG6,5s ½10-0,80
544Tapper Larry2212USA7w 1103,10
66GMVasiukov Evgeni2405RUS7,5s 010-4,30
736FMRuckschloss Karol2255SVK6,5w 1103,60
818FMWerner Clemens2325GER8,5s ½10-0,40
912IMRenman Nils-Gustaf2352SWE8w 1105,00
1013GMPlachetka Jan2348SVK7,5s 010-5,10
1124IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.2309BRA7,5w ½10-0,60
FM Mohammadian Mohammad 1683 IRI Rp:1800 Pts. 4
1110Leitner Walter2039FRA5,5w 040-4,40
2165Scharff Klaus1934GER6s 040-7,60
3189Patola Eero1862FIN5w 14029,20
4159Barboza Mauro1944URU5,5s 040-7,20
5200Korenevski Oleg1823AUS3,5s ½407,60
6194Pihlajamaki Antti1848FIN4,5w 14028,80
7170Prachar Josef1918CZE5s 040-8,40
8190Flockerzi Armin1860GER4,5w 14029,20
9166Bernardo Jimenez Fernando1926ESP4,5s ½4012,00
10158Rucka Alois1953CZE5w 040-6,80
11201CMDalling Peter1817SWE5s 040-12,80