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First Saturday FM Nov 2016

Last update 15.11.2016 19:05:50, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation (Master)

Player Overview of a federation

Overview for team AUS

1Frost PeterAUS191600100½½0½02,561800FM

Player details

Frost Peter 1916 AUS Rp:1800 Pts. 2,5
16Torok Tamas Titusz2153HUN5,5w 0FM
22Havaskori Laszlo1899HUN4w 0FM
33Rabovszky Gyorgy1811HUN6s 1FM
44Faber Hugo2091NED5,5w 0FM
55Simons Rudy2013NED6,5s 0FM
66Torok Tamas Titusz2153HUN5,5s ½FM
72Havaskori Laszlo1899HUN4s ½FM
83Rabovszky Gyorgy1811HUN6w 0FM
94Faber Hugo2091NED5,5s ½FM
105Simons Rudy2013NED6,5w 0FM