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JUBs 2016 (Jogos Universitários Brasileiros) Cuiabá - MT- MASCULINO

Last update 06.11.2016 23:47:24, Creator: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná,Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1FMShumyatsky Victor2115786DF2446DF - AAAUB
2FMMandetta Joao Danilo2122928SP2337SP - UNIFESP
3FMCunha Lucas Aguiar2125404SC2281SC - UNOESC
4Goncalves Ivan Mesquita V2114224SP2208SP - UNIP
5Garcia Gabriel Gonzaga2138956GO2169GO - PUC GOIÁS
6Starke Bruno Orlando2128713SC2163SC - UFSC
7Moura De Lima Wilian Rither D2159252SP2154SP - UNISANTA
8Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951RN2134RN - UFRN
9De Souza Arthur Olintho2116200PB2107PB - IFPB
10Hiramine Rodrigo Yoshio Ferre2137526PE2080PE - UFPE
11Medeiros Israel Costa Smith De2135817RN2055RN - UFRN
12Ferreira Pedro Araujo2180987PA2046PA - UFPA
13Silva Gustavo Queiroz Dos San2126060GO2004GO - UFG
14Gomes Jose Murilo2159767RN2002RN - UFRN
15Cabral Teske Luiz Fernando2180634MT1977MT - UFMT
16Almeida Junior Alvaro Alves D2149974PR1959PR - UFPR
17Das Chagas David Ferreira2152410PR1956PR - FAE - C. UNIV.
18Monteiro Neto Vandir Ferreira2152126AP1956AP - UNIFAP
19Cilento Lucas Geraldo2161737PE1948PE - UFPE
20Stapenhorst Matheus Frederico2161702RS1926RS - UFRGS
21Da Costa Rafael Felix Ribeiro2147343PA1906PA - UFPA
22Sergio Filho Claudio Santos2107678GO1893GO - UFG
23Cardoso Max Wesley Santos2149311SE1853SE - UFS
24De Santana Jose Ricardo Gonca2196115PE1841PE - UFPE
25Noronha Natanael Muana C.2132605RS1825RS - UFPEL
26Noguerol Alvaro Vinueza2166909DF1811DF - AAAUB
27Flach Kauan Andrei2144646RJ1798RJ - UFRJ
28Da Silva Juliano Roberto Nery2179555PR1797PR - UFPR
29Pereira Ezequias Morais De Li2123150MG1764MG - UNIFEI
30Lins Gustavo Ferreira2183064DF1741DF - AAAUB
31Barros Benone Gabriel Carvalh22702318MA1702MA - UFMA
32Ferreira Raul Cesar Goes2149591SE1676SE - UFS
33Vitorazzi Vitor Jose Batista2172917MT1650MT - UFMT
34Pinheiro Breno Linhares2162830MA1587MA - UFMA
35Santos Aldair Batista2162318SE1863SE - UFS
36Fonseca Joao Paulo De Aguiar2122391RS1820RS - UFRGS
37Amaral Cleiston Silva2174308PB1800PB - UFCG
38De Oliveira Fabricio Alves22700048PA1800PA - UFOPA
39Dallagrave Tainan Marcel2144573SC1790SC - UNOESC
40da Silva Paulo França GalvãoRR1736RR - Claretiano C. Univ.
41Maia Hyan de OliveiraRR0RR - Facul. Cathedral
42Silva Caio MarquesCE0CE - UNIFOR
43Vieira Valdivino BorgesTO0TO - UFT
44da Costa Ronaldo SilvaAC0AC - IFAC
45da Silva Francisco Iran SantosCE0CE - UFC
46dos Reis Rafael de OliveiraRJ0RJ - UFRJ