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HUN Youth Team Ch. 2016

Last update 06.11.2016 13:23:47, Creator: Hungarian Chess-Federation (Master),Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

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Final Ranking after 8 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Aquaréna Kőbánya SC I.86023312214,5
23ASE Paks86203014225
35Haladás VSE86113013223
44MTK I.85123011224
57Miskolci KisBocsok SSE85032910221,5
62AQUAPROFIT NTSK840427,58218
76TARR – Tapolca VSE840427,58214,5
810Maróczy Géza SE850325,510191
918Barcza II.842224,510180
1111MTK II.831424,57211,5
1213Honvéd Auróra SE830524,56182,5
1315Decs KSE8332249189
1412Dunaharaszti MTK850323,510183
1516MTK III.832323,58190
169Barcza I.8404238197
1717Edelényi VSE840422,58183
1819Bástya Dunaújvárosi Sakk SE840422,58171
1921Debreceni SI Kwizda831422,57170
2022Csuti Antal SK8305226180
2124Aquaréna Kőbánya SC II.830520,56170,5
2214Nyíregyházi SISE8224206176,5
2320Sárkány DSE8134195174
2425Hajdúböszörményi SE821518,55165,5
2523Pénzügyőr SE8107162171
2626Barcza III.8107162164,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)