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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

15th Iranian Super League Chess Championship - 1st Season(2nd Week Rd. 6 to 11) Lorestan(18 Oct. to 21 Oct. 2016)

اخر تحديث21.10.2016 12:55:06, منشئ/آخر رفع: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 68)

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جدول التقابلات طبقا للترتيب (نقاط)

ترتيبفريق123456789101112 حسم تعادل1  حسم تعادل2  حسم تعادل3  حسم تعادل4 
1Saipa Teharan * 45555482201172,3
2Zob Ahan Esfahan * 335453541190973,5
3Rah va Shar Sazi Lorestan½ * 14235534,5140758,5
4Damoon Sakht Shomal Mazandaran½4 * 344534160803,5
5Donyaye Felez Rasht121 * 544534130740,8
6Sherkat Mohandesi Mahab Ghodss22 * 43532120731,5
7Bank Sarmayeh½03 * 34528130581
8Sherkat Nakh Va Rang Hamadan½12102 * 33452490485
9Madrese Shatranj Paeiz Ahvaz0½½½12 * 518,551351,8
10Tidewater Hormozgan00½1122 * 3518,551338
11Daraya Borj Shiraz0201½112 * 517,540352,3
12Shahdari Tabriz00000000000 * 0000

حسم تعادل1: points (game-points)
حسم تعادل2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
حسم تعادل3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
حسم تعادل4: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break