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7th Mediterranean Men and Women Chess Championships Rijeka (CRO) 2009

Last update 17.09.2009 14:10:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club RIJEKA

Player overview for FRA

9IMLe Roux Jean-Pierre2474FRA101111½106,532515107,507. Med-Ch
16IMMilliet Sophie2407FRA110½100104,532223010-16,907. Med-Ch

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMCvitan OgnjenCRO25166 1 - 0 IMLe Roux Jean-PierreFRA2474
WIMFakhiridou EkateriniGRE2253 1 - 0 IMMilliet SophieFRA2407

Player details for FRA

IM Le Roux Jean-Pierre 2474 FRA Rp:2515 Pts. 6,5
140WGMMona Khaled2090EGY4,5s 10,910,09100,90
224Plenca Julijan2296CRO5w 00,73-0,7310-7,30
333Melas Renos2165CYP5,5s 10,860,14101,40
438Codenotti Marco2122ITA5w 10,890,11101,10
56IMEsen Baris2494TUR6s 10,470,53105,30
613IMRukavina Josip2435CRO5w 10,550,45104,50
72GMAdly Ahmed2554EGY8,5s ½0,390,11101,10
811IMRombaldoni Denis2469ITA6,5w 10,510,49104,90
93GMCvitan Ognjen2516CRO7s 00,44-0,4410-4,40
IM Milliet Sophie 2407 FRA Rp:2230 Pts. 4,5
149Shabanaj Alda1959ALB3s 10,920,08100,80
262Guxho Clirim0ALB3w 1
34IMKapnisis Spyridon2516GRE5,5s 00,35-0,3510-3,50
422IMDoric Nenad2356CRO5w ½0,57-0,0710-0,70
535Gator Mosab2139LBA5s 10,830,17101,70
63GMCvitan Ognjen2516CRO7s 00,35-0,3510-3,50
723WGMMedic Mirjana2322CRO5,5w 00,62-0,6210-6,20
837CMLebel Patrick2125MNC4,5w 10,840,16101,60
930WIMFakhiridou Ekaterini2253GRE5,5s 00,71-0,7110-7,10