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Last update 18.10.2016 21:38:26, Creator/Last Upload: aeliens

Player overview for SUI

105Leutwyler Martin2168SUI00½1½10003115217420-0,60Master

Results of the last round for SUI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Leutwyler Martin21683 0 - 13 GMArakhamia-Grant Ketevan2376

Player details for SUI

Leutwyler Martin 2168 SUI Rp:2174 Pts. 3
138GMSchroeder Jan-Christian2514GER5,5w 00,11-0,1120-2,20
267IMHouska Jovanka2386ENG5s 00,22-0,2220-4,40
3130Dahl Baard1921IOM3w ½0,81-0,3120-6,20
4115FMTiwari Ashwani2090IND2,5s 10,610,39207,80
573GMPaehtz Thomas2356GER4,5w ½0,260,24204,80
675Van Foreest Lucas2350NED4,5s 10,260,742014,80
766FMMerry Alan B2388ENG4w 00,22-0,2220-4,40
883IMMannion Stephen R2313SCO4s 00,31-0,3120-6,20
969GMArakhamia-Grant Ketevan2376SCO4w 00,23-0,2320-4,60