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Last update 18.10.2016 21:38:26, Creator/Last Upload: aeliens

Player overview for LTU

56IMDaulyte Deimante2429LTU1½0100½11552240510-2,20Master
11Juciute Einora1884LTU1110001481901202,00Major

Results of the last round for LTU

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMWebb Laurence E22804 0 - 14 IMDaulyte Deimante2429
Thoday Francis18893 0 - 13 Juciute Einora1884

Player details for LTU

IM Daulyte Deimante 2429 LTU Rp:2405 Pts. 5
1121Scott Luke2018IRL1,5s 10,920,08100,80
219GMMeier Georg2648GER5,5w ½0,220,28102,80
323GMGupta Abhijeet2626IND5,5s 00,25-0,2510-2,50
487WIMOsmanodja Filiz2299GER5w 10,680,32103,20
521GMHowell David W L2644ENG6,5s 00,23-0,2310-2,30
692Hill Alistair2249ENG3,5w 00,74-0,7410-7,40
791FMGungl Theo2257GER3s ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
896Allen Keith2236IRL4w 10,750,25102,50
988FMWebb Laurence E2280ENG4s 10,700,30103,00
Juciute Einora 1884 LTU Rp:1901 Pts. 4
121Costello John1585IOM3w 1
27Goodfellow Russell Robert1925ENG4w 10,440,562011,20
32Gostelow David W1970ENG3,5s 10,380,622012,40
48Ireland David J1924ENG6w 00,44-0,4420-8,80
510Wright Jonathan1887ENG5,5s 00,50-0,5020-10,00
618Livesey R Nigel1777ENG5w 00,65-0,6520-13,00
79Thoday Francis1889IOM3s 10,490,512010,20