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Championnat National Individuel 2016 BF

Last update 26.09.2016 15:49:41, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

17BRIBA OumarBUR0606193,5
26KIEMA Wend Nonga Raoul FredericBUR13265,50,55192
322ZABRAMBA JoachimBUR05,50,55188,5
43GUENE Herve Jean LouisBUR1348504171
52KISSOU ClementBUR13524,50,54192,5
61JEROUI ToufikBUR15564,50,54191,5
713NARE PascalBUR0414172
85OUEDRAOGO S Arnaud J DBUR1348404142,5
911MEVI MireilleBUR03,503178,5
1015SANOGO Abdoul AzizBUR03,503172
1112NARE G StanislasBUR03,503166
1221YENKONE François de SallesBUR03,502154,5
1319TUINA TianvoBUR0302167
1417SANOU CedricBUR0302160,5
158KABORE OusseniBUR0302157
169KIEMDE FranckBUR02,50,51159,5
1718SEMPORE AndyBUR02,50,51158
1814OUEDRAOGO MoumouniBUR0202173,5
1916SANOU Abdoul Rachid ArmelBUR0200153,5
204MEVI StephaneBUR13481,501169,5
2110LOUGUET SidikiBUR00,500134,5
2220YAMEOGO AristideBUR0000137

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Sum Of Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (all Results)