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Tancat SUB Sant Boi 2016 -143093-

Last update 26.11.2016 20:14:59, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

4Gonzalez Jurado Miguel Angel3203728701712Moli Nou C.C.
10Lorenzo Marfil Jorge2459373701624Sant Boi C.E.
1Ramos Fernandez Pilar2450002001550Sant Boi C.E.
7Fernandez Lopez Mario2457190315421708Sant Boi C.E.
2Porta Guiu Lourdes2451779814451639Catalunya C.E.
8Tordera Jumilla Joaquim2457832001383Sant Marti C.E.
6Morral Esteve Salvador3204049012791521Sant Boi C.E.
9Castellvell Diez Maria Nuria2457701401213Catalunya C.E.
3Martin Artacho Nicolas2454444212031631Moli Nou C.C.
5Orts Gonzalez Rafael2223485311661555Sant Marti C.E.