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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
XIII Obert del Maresme - Grup B (142180)اخر تحديث03.12.2016 20:08:32, منشئ/آخر رفع: Antoni Viñas Serra
ترتيب البداية
رقم | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | تقييم دولي | تقييم محلي | نوع | مجموعة | نادي/مدينة |
1 | Sanchez Saez Salvador | 32014694 | 1613 | 0 | | 1781 | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
2 | Puig Vila Esteve | 32008538 | 1612 | 1620 | | 1744 | Calella L'amistat C.E. |
3 | Molina Villen Francisco | 22260994 | 1549 | 0 | 60 | 1745 | Canet, Club Escacs |
4 | Molina Tabernero Jordi | 22244140 | 1548 | 1510 | | 1786 | Tres Peons C.E. |
5 | Espadero Roda Francesc | 24592447 | 1531 | 1563 | 60 | 1771 | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
6 | Nino Yepes Kenny Enrique | 24592129 | 1478 | 0 | | 1745 | Lloret, Club Escacs |
7 | Garcia Pitarch Raul | 22243690 | 1439 | 1450 | | 1742 | Mataro C.E. |
8 | Folch Ferrando Carlos | 24576972 | 1417 | 1412 | | 1662 | Llavaneres, Club Escacs |
9 | Alabart Paytubi Josep | 22246711 | 1376 | 1376 | 60 | 1712 | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
10 | Garcia Ahumada Lluis | 24592439 | 1375 | 1413 | | 1756 | Cerdanyola Mataro C.E. |
11 | Gabarro Servitja Adria | 24562998 | 1327 | 1361 | 12 | 1664 | Catalonia C.E. |
12 | Jeggle Soler Carles | 24598372 | 1309 | 1381 | 60 | 1630 | Llavaneres, Club Escacs |
13 | Berbel Gutierrez J. Guillermo | 32060106 | 1307 | 1337 | | 1780 | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
14 | Garcia Abreu Juan | 24592374 | 1279 | 1316 | 60 | 1716 | Vilassar De Mar, C.E. |
15 | Carranza Kairgaliyev Jan | 24585106 | 0 | 1403 | 12 | 1715 | Cerdanyola Mataro C.E. |
16 | Gomez Girones Fermin | 22214089 | 0 | 1358 | 60 | 1734 | Vilassar De Mar, C.E. |
17 | Soler Casado Manuel | 54503892 | 0 | 0 | | 1790 | Cerdanyola Mataro C.E. |
18 | Goloubev Goloubeva Maria | 24592420 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 1746 | Gerunda, C.E. |
19 | Salicru Pages Francesc X. | 54503906 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 1713 | Arenys De Munt, Centre Moral |
20 | Ventura Alsina Francesc | 24592404 | 0 | 0 | | 1713 | Llavaneres, Club Escacs |
21 | El Ouahi Meziani Mohamed | 24592358 | 0 | 0 | | 1702 | Calella L'amistat C.E. |
22 | Molins Rafa Xavier | 54503914 | 0 | 0 | | 1700 | Llavaneres, Club Escacs |
23 | Pageo Ballesta Jaume | 54503922 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 1700 | Cerdanyola Mataro C.E. |
24 | Malea Collado Francesc | 24592315 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 1693 | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
25 | Castano Valle Diego | 54503930 | 0 | 0 | | 1676 | Pineda Club Escacs |
26 | Lozano Barrera Emilio | 24592269 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 1664 | Vilassar De Mar, C.E. |
27 | Riera Roca Albert | 54503949 | 0 | 0 | | 1664 | Canet, Club Escacs |
28 | Ventura Vives Pere | 24592382 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 1662 | Vilassar De Mar, C.E. |
29 | Granell Jurado Ferran | 24585530 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 1657 | Mataro C.E. |
30 | Mancha Cerezuela Sergio | 24592277 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 1645 | Mataro C.E. |
31 | Campeny Flores Francesc Xavie | 54503957 | 0 | 0 | | 1627 | Arenys De Munt, Centre Moral |
32 | Homs Alsina Tomas | 24592331 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 1573 | Argentona C.P. Escacs |
33 | Rovira Puig Ricardo | 24596647 | 0 | 0 | | 1571 | Catalunya C.E. |
34 | Dominguez Laguna Didac | 54503965 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 1557 | Sant Josep De Badalona C.E. |