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Memorial Maria Albulet

Last update 25.07.2009 08:00:54, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 10)

Starting rank list of players

3IMPeptan Corina-IsabelaROU2392
5WGMCosma Elena-LuminitaROU2337
4WGMSandu MihaelaROU2312
7WIMBulmaga IrinaMDA2277
9WIMDaulyte DeimanteLTU2268
10WGMMakropoulou MarinaGRE2245
1WIMPadurariu Ioana-SmarandaROU2238
6WIMGheorghe CorinaROU2209
8WIMYordanova SvetlaBUL2200
2WFMSgircea Silvia-RalucaROU2199