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XXVII Obert Internacional d'Escacs d'Andorra

Last update 27.07.2009 20:06:29, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra

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Round 8 on 2009/07/25 at 15:30:00

Bo.No.WhitePts. ResultPts. BlackNo.
12GMEdouard Romain6 1 - 0 GMBalogh Csaba3
25GMPeralta Fernando ½ - ½6 GMLopez Martinez Josep Manuel7
34GMMarin Mihail 1 - 0 IMShytaj Luca18
411GMKogan Artur ½ - ½ GMArizmendi Martinez Julen Luis13
521IMDelorme Axel5 ½ - ½5 GMSpraggett Kevin1
632FMDemuth Adrien5 0 - 15 GMDamljanovic Branko9
710IMBrunello Sabino5 0 - 15 IMVehi Bach Victor Manuel26
812GMDe La Riva Aguado Oscar5 1 - 05 FMRubio Mejia Luis Ignacio29
922IMWegerle Joerg5 1 - 05 IMVernay Clovis14
1036IMRodriguez Lopez Rafael5 1 - 05 GMSiebrecht Sebastian15
1116IMVila Gazquez Xavier5 1 - 05 IMPanelo Marcelo23
1235Lillo Castay Victor 0 - 1 GMMovsziszian Karen6
138GMNarciso Dublan Marc ½ - ½ WIMSchneider Veronika39
1456Quidiello Prado Manuel Rogelio 1 - 0 IMHuerga Leache Mikel17
1540FMBerthelot Yannick 0 - 1 FMDvirnyy Daniyyl19
1620GMZilberman Yaacov 1 - 0 Kulkarni Chinmay46
1724IMBerkovich Mark A ½ - ½ Shiven Khosla49
1850Monell Camarasa David ½ - ½ WIMKaravade Eesha27
1928FMVan Kampen Robin 1 - 0 Trepat Herranz Joan45
2030FMBok Benjamin 1 - 0 WIMMeera Sai67
2159Lamorelle Julien 0 - 1 WGMVega Gutierrez Sabrina31
2278Ben Artzi Ido ½ - ½ WGMGuramishvili Sopiko33
2334Midoux Sebastien 1 - 0 Schut Donna88
2441Massoni Michael4 ½ - ½4 Tallo Dominguez Imar69
2542FMWiley Tom E4 1 - 04 Gutierrez Anso Jose73
2671Cots Paltor Jordi4 ½ - ½4 FMSimon Padros Emili43
2744Raznikov Danny4 1 - 04 Jose Queralto Daniel74
2864Lillo Ferrer Jose Maria M.4 ½ - ½4 FMGarcia Raul51
2976Alberto Manuel4 0 - 14 Sanchez Jerez Emilio Miguel53
3054WIMSchut Lisa4 1 - 04 Levine Yonatan81
3180Anuprita Patil4 ½ - ½4 Deshpande Aniruddha55
3283Reyniers Pieter4 0 - 14 Pijpers Arthur60
33102Garcia-Blazquez Perez Manuel4 0 - 14 Muratet Casadevall Albert61
34100Bas Mas Jose Joaquin4 0 - 14 WIMPriya P.63
3525IMMatnadze Ana 1 - 0 Alsina Franco Sergio85
3638Klein Felix 1 - 0 Gomez Oliveros Hilario Enrique89
3777Fraser Scott 0 - 1 Martinez Lopez Ivan47
3848WFMVega Gutierrez Belinda 1 - 0 Rechi Perez Francesc97
3952Morros Faura Ricard 1 - 0 Alvarez Fernandez Jose Antonio95
4086Albets Armengol Roland 1 - 0 FMNascimento Alexandre57
4162Costa Paulo 1 - 0 Colomer Camarasa Jordi104
4292Barruz Serrano Antonio Angel 0 - 1 Abhishek Kelkar65
4368Givon Asaf 1 - 0 Mateu Guiu Esteve119
44103Tardio Fran Emilio 0 - 1 Schoder Volker75
45107Klein Gernot Dr.3 0 - 13 FMMoal Alain37
46108Ferreira Antonio Viriato3 0 - 13 WIMMarin Irina-Luiza66
4770Forestier Carole3 ½ - ½3 Veciana Coronado Bru110
4879Lam Sophie3 1 - 03 Galvez Riera Francesc113
4984Alvarez Fernandez Manuel3 1 - 03 Reina Aguilar Marcelo111
50116Arias Pineiro Alejandro3 0 - 13 Salminen Jussi87
5190Gil Quilez Sonia3 1 - 03 Rechi Montes Xavier112
52118Jacobsen Mads-Holger3 ½ - ½3 Mortensen Henrik91
5393Ruiz Ureta Ernesto3 1 - 03 Jareno Badenas Aleix115
5496Oliva Llorens Antoni3 ½ - ½3 Russo Antonio Manuel Da Costa120
5599Brih Touatia3 ½ - ½3 Marin Victor-Mihai127
56124Gallinar Canedo David3 1 - 03 Pampliega Canturri Antoni105
57134Witt Holger3 0 - 13 Llamazares Lopez Marcos106
58146Vera Juan Andreu3 0 - 1 Sola Plaza Gregorio82
5972Fernandez Lopez Joan 1 - 0 Bas Mas Miguel121
6094Pellicer Castillo Josep Maria ½ - ½ Lloveras Hernanz Jose Antonio123
6198Blas Correa Jordi - - + Bas Sanchez Jose Joaquin126
62101Real Pons Joan ½ - ½ Pozanco Romasanta Marc133
63128Prieto Velasco Rafael ½ - ½ Gomez Dominguez Breixo109
64114Tallo Dominguez Kirian 1 - 0 Pericas Rechi Marc148
65137Suomalainen Sami 0 - 1 Humphrey Ventura Bruce117
66143Llamazares Lopez Ana2 0 - 12 Nielsen Jorgen Holmstrom125
67129Rodriguez Fenoy Inmaculada2 1 - 02 Pozanco Villalba Victor145
68130Capdevila Masgrau Jose2 ½ - ½2 Ortiz De Latierro Olivella Aitor147
69132Romascheff Nicolas2 1 - 02 Gorgues Mateu David149
70155Riba Rivert Valenti2 0 - 12 Rechi Montes Aritz136
71139Pino Fernandez David2 1 - 02 Jansat Mir Arnau150
72159Rocha Paulo2 ½ - ½2 Rodriguez Abelardo142
73122Clanchet Olle Josep 1 - 02 Lopez Pla Francesc Asis152
74151Obregon Pantebre Marc 0 - 1 Filipowicz Luc158
75153Galera Serra Maria1 1 - 01 Vintro Redecillas Joaquim156
76154Morros Armengol Gerard1 0 - 11 Barruz Ramirez Antonio Angel157
77140Trumul Svetlana1 1 bye
7858FMFrancisco Joao0 0 not paired
79131Pardo Vaquero Ignacio0 0 not paired
80135Iglesias Balbas Ruben1 0 not paired
81138Bravo Dominguez Eduardo0 0 not paired
82141Martinez Garcia Jesus0 0 not paired
83144Martinez Hernandez Paula0 0 not paired
84160Sachez Vilches Ramon0 0 not paired