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World Cadets U8, U10, U12 Championships 2016 Open U12

Last update 30.10.2016 12:44:45, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

Player overview for SRB

53CMBudisavljevic Luka1915SRB1½½0½1110½½6,5374070,80Open U12
87Stevanovic Jovan1467SRB00111110½005,5714088,40Open U10
22Milanovic Marko1443SRB110111½01107,5144076,00Open U08
69Djordjevic Nevena1391SRB0½01110½½004,5714013,60Girls U12
43Denic Hana1345SRB101001101106404012,80Girls U10

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Eynullayev Altay20426 ½ - ½6 CMBudisavljevic Luka1915
Stevanovic Jovan1467 0 - 1 Liu Zongxin1707
Hovyan Nikolay1505 1 - 0 Milanovic Marko1443
Tasoshvili Tamar1404 1 - 0 Djordjevic Nevena1391
Ding Shirui15726 1 - 06 Denic Hana1345

Player details for SRB

CM Budisavljevic Luka 1915 SRB Rp:2002 Pts. 6,5
1121Aslanov Pasha1263AZE4s 1403,20
218Oglaza Oskar2110POL7,5w ½4010,00
316CMSuleymanli Aydin2119AZE7,5s ½4010,40
421FMKacharava Nikolozi2100GEO6w 040-10,40
589Mohamed Saeed Laily1683UAE4,5s ½40-11,60
693Keller Rostislav1666MDA5w 1407,60
730CMDe Borba Gabriel2054BRA5,5s 14027,60
828CMPeng Shunkai2058CHN6,5w 14027,60
910CMNogerbek Kazybek2162KAZ7s 040-7,60
1032CMAhmadzada Ahmad2048AZE6,5w ½407,20
1133Eynullayev Altay2042AZE6,5s ½406,80
Stevanovic Jovan 1467 SRB Rp:1579 Pts. 5,5
113Maneluk Daniil1934RUS6,5w 040-3,20
2131Hakobyan Erik0ARM5s 0
3142Silagadze Mate0GEO4s 1
4120Laturkar Iraj1043FIN4w 1403,20
551Pizzoferrato Mattia1644ITA4,5w 14029,20
644Kondakov Adrian1703USA7s 14032,00
725CMDeng Yu Dong Michael1811HKG6,5w 14035,20
86CMMendonca Leon Luke2133IND8s 040-3,20
949CMFiszer Bartosz1676POL6,5w ½4010,80
1040CMSuleymanli Suleyman1714AZE7s 040-7,60
1143Liu Zongxin1707CHN6,5w 040-8,00
Milanovic Marko 1443 SRB Rp:1487 Pts. 7,5
192Drasler Luka0MNE3s 1
266Zieba Hubert1199POL4,5w 1408,00
31CMAnsat Aldiyar1791KAZ8s 040-4,40
464Midilesh Ms1214IND6,5w 1408,40
5126Song Linxuan0CHN5,5s 1
65Anand Batsukh1708MGL7w 14032,80
720Nouri Alaa1447IRI7,5s ½400,40
888Chen Muye0CHN9w 0
97Mahdavi Reza1653IRI7s 14030,80
1032CMAzjargal Erdenebat1378MGL8w 14016,40
1114Hovyan Nikolay1505ARM8,5s 040-16,40
Djordjevic Nevena 1391 SRB Rp:1401 Pts. 4,5
120Sebt Rasoul Seyede Setare1803IRI6s 040-3,20
296Van Niekerk Natasha Isabel0RSA4w ½
390Tian Shi Yuan1175CAN4s 040-31,20
498Zimrin Danielle0ISR3w 1
544Bellahcene Sofia1616FRA4,5s 14031,20
634Adane Narayani1688IND6,5w 14034,00
735WCMSovina Maria1679RUS7s 040-6,40
830Khegay Yuliya1732UZB5,5w ½4015,20
954Lhotska Anna1501CZE5,5s ½406,00
1052Desai Nilomi1524ENG5,5w 040-12,80
1166Tasoshvili Tamar1404GEO5,5s 040-19,20
Denic Hana 1345 SRB Rp:1386 Pts. 6
199Macharashvili Ana0GEO3,5w 1
216Surovtseva Alisa1551RUS7s 040-9,60
371Mustafina Yuliana1219RUS5,5w 14013,20
44Nadzamova Viktoria1743SVK6,5s 040-3,20
576Mahjoob Zardast Artemis1138IRI5,5w 040-30,80
683Abakelia Mariam0GEO4s 1
764Novruzlu Nushaba1257AZE4,5w 14015,20
818Mikheeva Galina1542RUS6,5s 040-10,00
969De Villiers Anri1237RSA6w 14014,00
1010Shuqja Klean1591ALB5,5s 14032,40
1113Ding Shirui1572CHN7s 040-8,40