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Campeonato Nacional Absoluto - 2009

Darrera actualització28.07.2009 01:02:29, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

Llista del rànquing inicial

11IMSanta Torres Juan M.8007273100120PUR22292325
6Ovalle Burgos Ramon9426293100413PUR21482313
9CMBermudez Adams William8411823100251PUR21492289
12Santana Alvarado Miguel435613101282PUR21592231
2Vazquez Reyes Raul435703100235PUR21472228
3FMBerrios Echevarria Gabriel132773100928PUR21612204
7Davila Vega Juan R.7701233100065PUR21762181
4Rodriguez Santiago Jaime332553100898PUR21052172
8Montañez Nazario Roberto9209493100316PUR20812113
10Sotelo Kohama Daniel233723100170PUR21732107
1Guzman Ortiz Carlos M.8818353100421PUR20842086
5Ayala Sanchez Abnel233663101380PUR01807