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Last update 14.07.2009 04:03:49, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Mateus AlejandroVAL2241
2FMRios Cristhian CamiloVAL2225Corazon Del Valle
3Alvarez JavierVAL2158
4Moran Daniel StivenVAL2055Yumbo
5Zuleta Juan CarlosVAL1849
6Valencia David FernandoVAL1844
7Victoria Puerta SebastianVAL1821
8Vargas Jose RobinsonVAL1758
9Dominguez OscarVAL1755Cali
10Vargas Wilmar AndresVAL1748
11Sanahuano Gabriel AndresVAL1686
12Infante Nelson DavidVAL1674
13Romero Billi CristianVAL1665
14Polo Dario ArmandoVAL1637
15Carrero Castro Camilo EstebanVAL1600
16Correa Juan SebastianVAL1600
17Osorio Gracia Luis AlbertoVAL1600Los Reyes (restrepo)
18Hurtado Ciffuentes EmamnuelVAL1548
19Zuleta Juan EstebanVAL1527
20Romero Charria Juan PabloVAL1472
21Castillo SebastianVAL1444
22Ospina Juan DavidVAL1400
23Torres Brayan DavidVAL1358
24Valencia Luis FelipeVAL1349
25Castro Hernandez NicolasVAL1333
26Villamil Largo Joan EstebanVAL1291
27Ortega Miller AlejandroVAL0
28Ospina Escobar Juan PabloVAL0
29Sanchez Giraldo Edwin CamiloVAL0
30Sossa J. Yonier AlexisVAL0
31Soto Daniel AlejandroVAL0
32Villamil Largo Jose LibardoVAL0
33Zapata Marquez Cristian CamiloVAL0