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Zonal Amazonas 2016

Last update 19.09.2016 01:12:57, Creator/Last Upload: Federação Amazonense de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1Souza Neves Andrey M.2101815BRA2211
2Mousse Neto Sebastiao Alberto2137640BRA2116
3CMDe Oliveira Victor Gabriel C.2137798BRA2071
4Da Silva Mikhail Zoltan Iwano2133032BRA1936
5CMGutierrez Enrique Alberto Soto2137755BRA1891
6De Oliveira Freitas Reinier Al2139693BRA1884
7Bezerra Fabiano De Oliveira2148390BRA1873
8De Pontes E Souza Jose Geraldo2142040BRA1814
9Leite Thales Ferreira2166186BRA1743
10Presa Luis Alberto Passos2169690BRA1739
11Farias Sergio Luiz Cardoso2110148BRA1558
12Rodolpho Filho Joao2159783BRA1428
13Da Fonseca Jamilly Ferreira2185881BRA1337
14Arenillas RamsesBRA1859
15Pereira Rogerio dos SantosBRA1800
16Lima Miguel Costa Novo22710140BRA1781
17Nunes Lucas Roberto Almeida2181657BRA1771
18Padilha Gabriel Andreatta22710167BRA1771
19Lima Roberto Rosemberg22710183BRA1770
20Cunha Joao Vinicius NunesBRA1752
21Lima Mateus Costa Novo22710132BRA1744
22Piscopo Diego Moura22710175BRA1742
23Dantas Caetano Melo2181614BRA1670
24Cunha Gloria Roberta NunesBRA0
25Silva Vitoria Aparecida Valares daBRA0