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2016 Tshwane Chess Etienne Lewis Trials u/16 Girls

Last update 04.09.2016 15:26:51, Creator: Hendrik du Toit,Last Upload: Petronella Piek

Starting rank list of players

2Smith Elani20203534314310953RSA160916090w
7WCMBooysen Elda20100261114313375RSA144814480w
6WFMEngelbrecht Hanri20200880414306859RSA139213921371w
4Van Heerden Lara20103992614318628RSA132813280w
3Van Den Berg Ane201038778RSA112001120w
1Van Rooy Stephanie202040359RSA8250825w
5Msiza Aurelie Sakhile201052281RSA8200820w
8Strumpfer Marilee202044697RSA5870587w