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Last update 28.08.2016 22:51:29, Creator/Last Upload: Club de Ajedrez La Plata

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Starting rank list

1Perez Grizia Jorge Adrian32013361ESP1924
2Guzman Paola136450ARG1915
3Vaccaro Esteban A.125121ARG1895
4Guzman Ezequiel138398ARG1873
5Valverde Fausto120332ARG1869
6Yantorno Jorge133884ARG1867
7Garcia Ciuffani Mirco138118ARG1858
8Salinas Lautaro140953ARG1854
9Coccaro Pablo Edgardo161675ARG1825
10Rivero Martin159301ARG1790
11Martinez Franco161705ARG1755
12Ferreyra Gustavo138371ARG1744
13Veliz Ariel139157ARG1725
14Muniz Roberto Anibal173347ARG1717
15D Ascanio Florencia136433ARG1692
16AIMOchotorena Sergio142190ARG1661
17Defez Marcos Enrique142174ARG1653
18Rivero Mario148555ARG1646
19Savi Pillco Layner160547ARG1631
20Coronel Nestor122572ARG1581
21Enciso Franco126900ARG1566
22Rodriguez Lucia147133ARG1560
23Romero Melina160520ARG1551
24Sosa Carlos138495ARG1525
25German José AntonioARG0
26Veliz Isis161721ARG0
27Diego Francisco FarchichARG0