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ITT Ajedrez del Futuro

Last update 29.08.2016 01:10:11, Creator/Last Upload: Saigon chess

Starting rank list of players

6IMFIORITO Fabian100200ARG2407
4IMLLANOS Guillermo100358ARG2354
9FMMAYORGA Nicolas114685ARG2319
5FMSPATA German113026ARG2281
2TAPIA FUENTES Jaime3403025CHI2278
3FMCONVERSET Juan Jose104388ARG2243
10IMMALBRAN Guillermo100978ARG2228
7ALARCON CAREAGA Gustavo3411915CHI2186
8OCANTOS Manuel170925LUX2171
1BERNASCONI Mario Emanuel28293002ITA1850