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Herzliya International Summer Festival 2016 GM

Last update 10.09.2016 20:34:56, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

Starting rank list of players

7GMDvoirys Semen I.4100379RUS2509
9GMZoler Dan2800705ISR2479
10GMZifroni Dov2800659ISR2459
6FMGrinberg Eyal2806070ISR2447
2IMNedobora Mikhail14101122UKR2414
5GMZilberman Yaacov2801612ISR2400
1FMBakalchuk Johnatan2810301ISR2392
8IMHaimovich Tal2801698ISR2365
4IMKudischewitsch David4111893RUS2364
3FMShutzman Joseph2009692USA2266